The placement of Chiron in our Natal Chart is the place where we have our deepest wounds.
The Greek Myth of Chiron tells us that Chiron was a centaur son of the god Cronus and a Nymph. He was abandoned because of his appearance as half man half beast and was raised by the god Apollo. Apollo taught him arts, music, medicine, and prophecy, and his sister Artemis taught him archery and hunting skills. Chiron became a great healer and one of his pupils was Asclepius who became the god of medicine.
Chiron grew up with the wound of being abandoned by his parents and with the wound of being half god and half human and also half human and half animal. He became a healer to heal himself and others.
Where we have wounds, we also have the possibility to learn how to heal and help others to heal and transform that pain into wisdom and power. At the end of his life, he gave up his immortality in service to the freedom of Prometheus and was placed by Zeus in the constellation of Sagittarius.
Chiron embodies all that it represents to be human. Chiron’s wound reassembles the original wound of our separation from the God-Source. Through lifetimes this wound has been conditioned so we reflect this wound in specific areas in our lives. These areas will connect us with our gifts and help us to remember that we were never separated from the God-Source; therefore, we were never rejected or abandoned and now we can use the wisdom learned through this pain to help heal others, and to help others to remember.
At this moment April 2024, we have the Sun in Aries, Chiron in Aries, and North Node in Aries and we just went through a total Solar Eclipse with a New Moon in Aries. All this energy focused in Aries represents a new beginning for humanity and also the possibility of healing our story of feeling abandoned by the God-Source. It is also an opportunity to take charge of our healing, to take the initiative to heal our deepest wounds.
The Archetype of Aries as the archetype of the warrior needs healing, and this transit of Chiron in Aries can help us to heal our story of war. Changing our perception of a hostile world where we need to defend ourselves to survive, to a perception aligned with the New Age of Aquarius, living in a world of collaboration, cooperation, community, and innovation. Where being different and unique, such as being half god and half animal will be accepted and celebrated. We no longer have to repress or deny our genetic animal inheritance. We can embrace and connect with this part of us that is pure and wild, that is innocent and wise. We are body and soul; we are human and divine.