Embodiment Dance – Online




This system was created by me as a result of my studies and practice in the areas of ecstatic dance, sound, frequencies, movement, shamanic journeys, and the study of the physical and energetic bodies.

My work consists of creating the space and guiding the path where you can travel through breath, movement, sound, and your intention to connect with different parts of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body with the purpose of releasing tensions, resistances, toxins, stress, emotional burdens, limiting beliefs.

By opening this new space inside your body, now you can receive more light, new programming, and high vibrational energy that allows you to connect with higher states of your spirit.

In each practice, we will work with a specific energy to unblock, open, and expand a new potential.


Phases of the Practice:

  1. Opening of sacred space.
  2. Alignment with the energy of Mother Earth and the Universe through our intentions, movements, and breathing.
  3. Body warm-up movements accompanied by breathing techniques to begin to open the body.
  4. Dynamic shaking movement to begin to release stagnant energy.
  5. Free dance under a guided intention to go deeper into the body and continue releasing.
  6. Free dance under a guided intention to align ourselves to receive the energy we intend to recharge our body.
  7. Relaxation, lying on the floor in stillness, while our consciousness enters a state of meditation.
  8. Guided meditation.
  9. Closing the practice with guided body stretches, integrating the whole process.


Date for specific session will be announced.